Suppose we have these four tables:
create table table_x(x number, title varchar2(100));
create table table_y(y number, x number, title varchar2(100));
create table table_z(z number, y number, x number, title varchar2(100));
create table table_main(z number, y number, x number);
It's required to fetch title
for each row in table_main
according the rule:
when z is not null
then (select title from table_z where x = tm.x and y = tm.y and z = tm.z)
when y is not null
then (select title from table_y where x = tm.x and y = tm.y)
when x is not null
then (select title from table_x where x = tm.x)
end as title
from table_main tm;
I'm looking for a more readable solution producing equivalent results.
Is there a way to refactor the query replacing case when
statement with table joins or somehow else?
my approach would be:
SELECT COALESCE(tz.title, ty.title, tx.title) AS mytitle
FROM table_main tm
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_x tx
ON tx.x_number = tm.x_number
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_y ty
ON ty.x_number = tm.x_number
AND ty.y_number = tm.y_number
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_z tz
ON tz.x_number = tm.x_number
AND tz.y_number = tm.y_number
AND tz.z_number = tm.z_number