I ahve implemented a scrollable view in appcelerator. but only the first and the last image is being displayed . the intermediate images are not loading. Any suggestions why ?
This is the code for the .xml file of the scrollable view.
<View class="container">
<View class = " HeadingClass" >
<Label class="headingClass" top = "0%">Scrollable View And Animation Screen</Label>
<ScrollableView class = "scrollableViewClass" id="scrollableView">
<ImageView class="imgView1" id="imgViewId1"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView2" id="imgViewId2"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView3" id="imgViewId3"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView4" id="imgViewId4"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView5" id="imgViewId5"></ImageView>
<!-- <View class="imageAnimationView" id="imageAnimation">
<ImageView class="animateImageClass" id="animateImage"></ImageView>
</View> -->
</Alloy> <Alloy>
<View class="container">
<View class = " HeadingClass" >
<Label class="headingClass" top = "0%">Scrollable View And Animation Screen</Label>
<ScrollableView class = "scrollableViewClass" id="scrollableView">
<ImageView class="imgView1" id="imgViewId1"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView2" id="imgViewId2"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView3" id="imgViewId3"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView4" id="imgViewId4"></ImageView>
<ImageView class="imgView5" id="imgViewId5"></ImageView>
<!-- <View class="imageAnimationView" id="imageAnimation">
<ImageView class="animateImageClass" id="animateImage"></ImageView>
</View> -->
This is the code for .tss file
".container" : {
backgroundColor : "lightgray"
".headingClass" : {
height : "5%",
width : "70%",
font: {
fontFamily: 'Arial',
fontSize: '14%',
fontWeight: 'bold'
".HeadingClass" : {
backgroundColor : "gray",
top : "5%",
height : "6%",
width : "100%"
".scrollableViewClass" : {
top : "15%",
height : "30%",
width : "100%",
contentHeight: Ti.UI.SIZE,
contentWidth: Ti.UI.SIZE,
showPagingControl : true
".imgView1" : {
image : "/Images/appceleratorImage1.png",
height : "100%",
width : "100%"
".imgView2" : {
image : "/Images/appceleratorImage2.png",
height : "100%",
width : "100%"
".imgView3" : {
image : "/Images/appceleratorImage3.png",
height : "100%",
width : "100%"
".imgView4" : {
image : "/Images/appceleratorImage4.png",
height : "100%",
width : "100%"
".imgView5" : {
image : "/Images/appceleratorImage5.png",
height : "100%",
width : "100%"
Try putting <View>
's around the <ImageView>
For testing purposes you could give them a backgroundColor
to see if the pages are visible.