Sorry for my slightly "beginner" question related to the running of computations in a separate thread, but I am a C++ programmer.
There is a computationally expensive task processing large images. During the processing I would like to be able to work with my software (including zoom operations).
Based on your advice (the procedure returns data - a new image) the Callable interface has been used:
public class B implements Callable<BufferedImage> {
private boolean c;
public B (boolean c) { this.c = c; }
public BufferedImage call() {
//Some operations
if (!c)
return null;
return new BufferedImage(100, 100, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Initially, the executor service is created:
ExecutorService exe = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
B b = new B(true);
Subsequently, the future is returned:
Future<BufferedImage> res = exe.submit(b);
Finally, we are waiting for the data:
BufferedImage img = res.get();
Unfortunately, this implementation does not behave the way I expected. Although it works in a separate thread, the "response" is not returned to the main window and I am not able to work with the software properly during the computation.
Therefore, I tried to modify the get() method so that
BufferedImage img_proj = results.get(5, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
catch (Exception e)
However, the TimeoutException appears. Rewriting the code back using the Runnable interface
public class B implements Runnable{
private boolean c;
private Runnable f;
public B (boolean c_, Runnable f_) { c = c_; f = f_;}
public BufferedImage process() {
//Some operations
BufferedImage output = null;
if (c) output = new BufferedImage(100, 100, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
return output;
public void run() { process();}
together with
Thread t = new Thread(b);
t.start ();
and the multitasking works as expected...
So my question is: Is it necessary to "tune" or tweak the Callable interface additionally and if so, how?
I would suggest using your executor service.
BufferedImage img = res.get();
That way your gui thread doesn't block, and it will get notified once the buffered image is available. Of course you'll have to use a try/catch block.