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How to Upgrade HTTP Request to Websocket (Autobahn & Twisted Web )

To give you an idea of what I am trying to accomplish with Twisted Web and Autobahn websockets: my UI currently sends an initial HTTP GET request with an upgrade to a websocket in the header. Upon reading that in Twisted Web, the connection needs to switch from HTTP to a websocket protocol to pass data back and forth. Note that this websocket upgrade happens on the same port, port 8000.

Does anyone know how I can implement what I am trying to do? Thank you so much.

EDIT: updated code for working example. You can find it here: Payload from POST Request is Cutoff (Twisted Web)

Here is my code using Twisted Web:

class HttpResource(resource.Resource):
    isLeaf = 1

    def __init__(self):
        self.children = {}
        self.ws_port = None

    print 'resource invoked'
    def render_GET(self, request):

        print 'render invoked'
        if request.getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Key'):
            # Processing the Key as per RFC 6455
            key = request.getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Key')
            h = hashlib.sha1(key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")
            request.setHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Accept', base64.b64encode(h.digest()))

            # setting response headers
            request.setHeader('Upgrade', 'websocket')
            request.setHeader('Connection', 'Upgrade')
            return ''
            log("Regular HTTP GET request.")
            return "<html><body style='margin: 0; overflow: hidden;'><iframe style='width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;' src=''></iframe></body></html>"

    def render_POST(self,request):
        log("POST request")

    def handle_single_query(self, queryData):
        log("Handle single query data.")

class HttpWsChannel(http.HTTPChannel):

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        log('Data received:\n{}'.format(data))
        if data.startswith('GET'):
            # This will invoke the render method of resource provided
            http.HTTPChannel.dataReceived(self, data)
        if data.startswith('POST'):
            http.HTTPChannel.dataReceived(self, data)
            Pass binary data to websocket class.
            ws_protocol =
            #just echo for now
            # self.transport.write(data)

class HttpFactory(Site):
    Factory which takes care of tracking which protocol
    instances or request instances are responsible for which
    named response channels, so incoming messages can be
    routed appropriately.

    def __init__(self, resource):
        self.resource = resource
        self.ws_factory = WsProtocolFactory("ws://")
        self.ws_factory.protocol = WsProtocol

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
            channel = HttpWsChannel()
            channel.requestFactory = self.requestFactory
   = self
            return channel
        except Exception as e:
            log("Could not build protocol: {}".format(e))

site = HttpFactory(HttpResource())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    reactor.listenTCP(8000, site)

EDIT 7/8/2017: Here is the new code I am trying below. The websocket messages are received successfully via the onMessage method. However the HTTP requests are not working. The current error I am getting on a GET request is:

  <head><title>404 - No Such Resource</title></head>
    <h1>No Such Resource</h1>
    <p>No such child resource.</p>

Python code

from twisted.web.server import (
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web.resource import (
from autobahn.twisted.websocket import (
from autobahn.twisted.resource import (

class WebSocketProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):

    def onConnect(self, request):
        print("WebSocket connection request: {}".format(request))

    def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
        print("onMessage: {}".format(payload))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    factory = WebSocketServerFactory()
    factory.protocol = WebSocketProtocol
    resource = WebSocketResource(factory)

    root = Resource()
    root.putChild(b"ws", resource)

    site = Site(root)
    reactor.listenTCP(8000, site)


  • So after reading a little bit on Google, I found this website that explains how to upgrade the HTTP connection to a websocket connection via Autobahn Twisted: Read and Set request headers via Autobahn Twisted.

    The code that I was able to get to work is shown below!

    from twisted.web.server import (
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    from twisted.web.resource import (
    from autobahn.twisted.websocket import (
    from autobahn.twisted.resource import (
    class HttpResource(Resource):
        isLeaf = True
        def render_GET(self, request):
        return "<html><body style='margin: 0; overflow: hidden;'><iframe style='width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;' src=''></iframe></body></html>"
    class WebSocketProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
        def onConnect(self, request):
            custom_header = {}
            if request.headers['sec-websocket-key']:
                custom_header['sec-websocket-protocol'] = 'graphql-ws'
            return (None, custom_header)
        def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
            print("onMessage: {}".format(payload))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        factory = WebSocketServerFactory()
        factory.protocol = WebSocketProtocol
        resource = WebSocketResource(factory)
        root = Resource()
        root.putChild("", HttpResource())
        root.putChild(b"ws", ws_resource)
        site = Site(root)
        reactor.listenTCP(8000, site)