If you form has captcha (i'm using humanizer gem). How do you fill up form and send and get the expected result when writing cucumber feature.
Scenario: Sign Up with Valid Data
Given I am not authenticated
And I am on the sign in page
When I follow "Sign up"
And I fill in the following:
| Name | Administrator |
| Email | admin@admin.com |
| Password | 123456 |
| Password confirmation | 123456 |
And I fill in the captcha correctly
And I press "Sign Up"
Then I should be on the new_company page
And I should see "Hello Manoj"
Now i can write a step definition matching /^I fill up catcha correctly$/ but what must be put there?
Be gentle, i'm new to cucumber and it's been frustrating so far. I'm not new to Rails or programming otherwise.
You're right, Aditya. Putting environment dependent code in models is not good solution. But you can "stub" bypass_humanizer?
when needed:
# user.rb
class User
include Humanizer
require_human_on :create, :unless => :bypass_humanizer?
def bypass_humanizer?
# step definitions for your scenarion
And /^I fill in the captcha correctly$/ do
# from now any instance of User class will skip require_human_on validator
# in Gemfile
group :development, :test do
gem "mocha"
Now you have a model with environment agnostic code and you can put it in the specific state any time you need (for testing, of course).