I need to combine an absolute path A with path B, given that B may be relative as well as absolute, preferably using boost::filesystem.
In other words, I want to have:
+ abc
= /usr/home/abc
+ ../abc
= /usr/home/../abc
(or, even better /usr/abc
- this is not my question)/usr/home/
+ /abc
= /abc
The first two are easy with the /
operator but I can't get the third one to work.
I tried:
std::cout << boost::filesystem::path("/usr/home/") / "/abc";
Prints /usr/home//abc
std::cout << boost::filesystem::path("/usr/home/") + "/abc";
Still prints /usr/home//abc
Of course I can "see" when path B is absolute by looking at it and just use that, but I don't want to hardcode the check for the leading /
because on Windows it can be different (e.g. C:\\
or \\
If you are looking to make a relative path absolute with respect to some directory (often the current working directory), there is a function to do this: