I'm trying to using the libusb-1.0 and QtUsb library for USB Device access. Its simple a bulk-device thats works before I did make a few updates. Currently I use
Linux nadhh.fritz.box 4.11.8-200.fc25.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 29 16:13:56 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
It doesn't matter if I run as user or root because the device will be set to group users and permission 666 by udev
[timestamp] [threadID] facility level [function call] <message>
[ 0.012281] [00000fc6] libusb: error [op_get_configuration] device unconfigured
Type:1, cat:default, file:../src/qlibusb.cpp, line:114, f:virtual qint32 QUsbDevice::open(), msg:Cannot Claim Interface
Type:1, cat:default, file:../src/qlibusb.cpp, line:168, f:void QUsbDevice::printUsbError(int), msg:libusb Error: Entity not found
[ 0.951403] [00000fc6] libusb: warning [libusb_exit] application left some devices open
It doesn't matter if I run as user or root because the device will be set to group users and permission 666 by udev Any hints are welcome
Sincerely Jürgen
The Code
Taken from
A Cross-platform USB Library for Qt. Relies on libusb-1.0.
Documentation is not complete yet, you can have a look at the examples in the meanwhile.
Doxygen documentation can be found here: http://fpoussin.github.io/doxygen/qtusb/
Ubuntu PPA: https://launchpad.net/~fpoussin/+archive/ubuntu/ppa Windows libraries are coming soon.
#include <QObject>
#include <QUsb>
const quint8 USB_PIPE_IN = 0x81; /* Bulk output endpoint for responses */
const quint8 USB_PIPE_OUT = 0x01; /* Bulk input endpoint for commands */
const quint16 USB_TIMEOUT_MSEC = 300;
const quint16 vendor_id = 0x04e3;
const quint16 product_id= 0x0001;
class UsbExample : public QObject
explicit UsbExample(QObject *parent = 0);
void setupDevice(void);
bool openDevice(void);
bool closeDevice(void);
void read(QByteArray *buf);
void write(QByteArray *buf);
public slots:
QUsbManager mUsbManager;
QUsbDevice* mUsbDev;
QtUsb::DeviceFilter mFilter;
QtUsb::DeviceConfig mConfig;
#endif // USBEXAMPLE_H
#include <iostream>
#include "usbexample.h"
using namespace std;
#ifdef interface
#undef interface
UsbExample::UsbExample(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {
QByteArray send, recv;
if (this->openDevice()) {
cerr << "Device open!" << endl;
UsbExample::~UsbExample() { delete mUsbDev; }
void UsbExample::setupDevice() {
/* There are 2 ways of identifying devices depending on the platform.
* You can use both methods, only one will be taken into account.
mUsbDev = new QUsbDevice();
#if 1
// Bus 003 Device 004: ID 04e3:0001 Zilog, Inc.
mFilter.pid = 0x0001;
mFilter.vid = 0x04E3;
mFilter.vid = 0x0c4b;
mFilter.pid = 0x0400;
mConfig.alternate = 0;
mConfig.config = 0;
mConfig.interface = 0;
mConfig.readEp = 0x81;
mConfig.writeEp = 0x02;
bool UsbExample::openDevice() {
cerr << "Opening" << endl;
QtUsb::DeviceStatus ds;
ds = mUsbManager.openDevice(mUsbDev, mFilter, mConfig);
if (ds == QtUsb::deviceOK) {
// Device is open
return true;
return false;
bool UsbExample::closeDevice() {
cerr << "Closing" << endl;
return false;
void UsbExample::read(QByteArray *buf) { mUsbDev->read(buf, 1); }
void UsbExample::write(QByteArray *buf) { mUsbDev->write(buf, buf->size()); }
#include "usbexample.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include <iostream>
void customLogHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context,
const QString& msg)
// send the data to log file via the other thread
// emit writeToFile(type, context, msg);
// now output to debugger console
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
std::cerr << "Type:" << type << ", cat:" << context.category << ", file:" << context.file
<< ", line:" << context.line
<< ", f:" << context.function << ", msg:" << msg.toStdString() << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QTimer timer;
QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &a, SLOT(quit()));
UsbExample example;
return a.exec();
this is a problem with the configuration. in USB you have to obey the hierarchy
device descriptor - configuration descriptor - interface descriptor - endpoint descriptor
( http://www.beyondlogic.org/usbnutshell/usb1.shtml )
if there is an error on configuration level all other levels also fail
very likely the error is in this code :
mConfig.alternate = 0;
mConfig.config = 0;
mConfig.interface = 0;
mConfig.readEp = 0x81;
mConfig.writeEp = 0x02;
the problem is that i do not know the structure of the USB tree of your device so you have to do this. you can get the structure by lsusb -v
or usb-devices
and search your device for the structural ordering 'device - configuration - interface - endpoint'
if you have the information you have to modify the above code (i.e. changing interface index, alternate setting ,...)
the critical part of the source code is
int conf;
libusb_get_configuration(mDevHandle, &conf);
if (conf != mConfig.config) {
if (mDebug) qDebug("Configuration needs to be changed");
rc = libusb_set_configuration(mDevHandle, mConfig.config);
if (rc != 0) {
qWarning("Cannot Set Configuration");
return -3;
rc = libusb_claim_interface(mDevHandle, mConfig.interface);
if (rc != 0) {
qWarning("Cannot Claim Interface");
return -4;
source: https://github.com/fpoussin/QtUsb/blob/master/src/qlibusb.cpp
this is where the 'Cannot Claim Interface' error message comes from because there is a problem with setting the accurate configuration. as said try lsusb -v
or usb-devices
to get the correct information ...