I have read several questions about custom domains pointing to a github-pages website. However, I could not find the answer for my case.
I have an apex domain (e.g. http://example.com
) pointing to an S3
I have a www
redirection to this apex domain.
I have an existing organization project website on github pages that
I can access using an url like this:
I want to access that github-page hosted website using a subdomain, like blog.example.com
while keeping my apex set to my S3 bucket.
Most of the answers I found were to redirect the domain apex to http://ORGANIZATION.github.io/
and access to the blog using "www.example.com/blog". It is not what I want.
Since ORGANIZATION.github.io/blog.
is not a valid CNAME record, I can no use it as value for my sub domain CNAME record.
Is there a way to use a github pages organization project website with a custom subdomain?
Since it can be complicated to figure this out when not familiar with domain names management, I will try to explain what can be and what cannot be done.
Every domain name has an apex, i.e. the domain name without subdomain.
Exemple: http://example.com
Note that www
is a sub domain (http://www.example.com
) that you can redirect to your apex.
With Github-Pages, with an organization account, you can only link the apex or a subdomain to a repo with a name formated as follow: orgname.github.io
. You also need to set the domain in the repo settings.
If you have a repo with a different name (i.e. blog), it can be only available with an URL like this: http://example.com/blog
This is not what I want. So what I did was to create one organization per subdomain. I hope that it is not considered as an abuse to github-pages terms.
For example, I create a myorg_blog
organization with a repo called myorg_blog.github.io
that point to my subdomain blog.example.com
. Same thing for the portfolio: another organization with a single repo.
Then I keep the apex pointing to S3, no changes to make on this part.