Can someone help me with the SQL query? I have a table with has data like this
The data will look like this:
1 1/3/2017 2/2/2017
2 2/3/2017 3/2/2017
3 3/3/2017 4/2/207
4 4/3/2017 5/2/2017
5 5/3/2017 6/2/2017
6 6/3/2017 7/2/2017
7 7/3/2017 8/2/2017
8 8/3/2017 9/2/2017
9 9/3/2017 10/2/2017
I want to write a SQL query which returns the following 3 columns:
9,8,7 | 7/3/2017 | 10/2/2017
6,5,4 | 4/3/2017 | 7/2/2017
3,2,1 | 1/3/2017 | 4/2/2017
The SQL below using the xml path trick to fold the Id's into a list, grouped by quarter.
(select concat(',',tid.ID)
from PeriodTable tid
where datepart(quarter,tid.Startdate) = datepart(quarter,t.Startdate)
and datepart(year,tid.Startdate) = datepart(year,t.Startdate)
for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'varchar(max)')
,1,1,'') IdList,
min(StartDate) as FirstStartDate, max(EndDate) as LastEndDate
from PeriodTable t
group by datepart(year,Startdate), datepart(quarter,Startdate)
order by FirstStartDate;
Or this variation of the method that uses a CROSS APPLY:
stuff(max(Ids),1,1,'') as IdList, min(StartDate) as FirstStartDate, max(EndDate) as LastEndDate
from PeriodTable t
cross apply (
select concat(',',tid.ID)
from PeriodTable tid
where datepart(quarter,tid.Startdate) = datepart(quarter,t.Startdate)
and datepart(year,tid.Startdate) = datepart(year,t.Startdate)
for xml path('')) List(Ids)
group by datepart(year,Startdate), datepart(quarter,Startdate)
order by FirstStartDate;
Try it here on rextester