I'm currently taking an online course to make an airbnb like web application with ruby on rails. It utilizes Stripe for the payment and I want to make the landing page from my app to the Stripe a register page instead of a login page.
I'm completely following the tutorial that successfully makes the register page as the landing page with the below code.
stripe_landing: 'register'
But my landing page is still the login page. I googled the above code but all I could find was pages from 2-4 years ago. I wonder if Stripe changed it recently. (but hpar replied saying nothing has changed)
I put the whole code here... When I click the link to Stripe, it goes to stripe#oauth.
class StripeController < ApplicationController
# Connect yourself to a Stripe account.
# Only works on the currently logged in user.
# See app/services/stripe_oauth.rb for #oauth_url details.
def oauth
connector = StripeOauth.new( current_user )
url, error = connector.oauth_url( redirect_uri: stripe_confirm_url )
if url.nil?
flash[:error] = error
redirect_to manage_listing_payment_path( session[:listing_id] )
redirect_to url
class StripeOauth < Struct.new( :user )
def oauth_url( params )
url = client.authorize_url( {
scope: 'read_write',
stripe_landing: 'register',
stripe_user: {
email: user.email
}.merge( params ) )
[ url, nil ]
# A simple OAuth2 client we can use to generate a URL
# to redirect the user to as well as get an access token.
# Used in #oauth_url and #verify!
# see this docs https://github.com/intridea/oauth2
def client
@client ||= OAuth2::Client.new(
site: 'https://connect.stripe.com',
authorize_url: '/oauth/authorize',
token_url: '/oauth/token'
The terminal says;
Started GET "/connect/oauth" for ::1 at 2017-07-09 00:37:55 +0800 Processing by StripeController#oauth as HTML User Load (0.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1]] Redirected to https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=ca_AuidWGx68TXWlWO3d3UbWcRcuPqfSeNH&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fconnect%2Fconfirm&response_type=code&scope=read_write&stripe_landing=register&stripe_user%5Bemail%5D=aaa%40gmail.com
so I think I get the right url here (same as the tutorial video gets). However, in Chrome, it actually goes to;
Sorry for the poor explanation but it would be great if anyone can solve this mystery. Thanks a lot!
I tried on safari and it worked properly so I deleted related cookies on chrome and it worked.