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how to display images in tensorboard when data fomat is "NCHW"?

In tensorflow, using function tf.summary.image, we can display images in tensorboard.

image( name, tensor, max_outputs=3, collections=None )  

The data format of variable tensor is "NHWC", as [batch_size, height, width, channels].

but when I use "NCHW" ([batch_size, channels ,height, width]), how to display images in tensorboard ?


  • The image summary does not handle multiple memory layout, as some other tensorflow functions do. So currently, your only option is to transpose your images.

    As tf.transpose is a somewhat heavy operation, you can limit the transposition to the number of images that are summarized only, say summary_img_num:

    summary_imgs = tf.transpose(imgs[:summary_img_num], perm=[0,3,1,2])
    tf.summary.image('images', summary_imgs, max_outputs=summary_img_num)

    If you stick to tf.summary.image's default max_outputs=3,

    summary_imgs = tf.transpose(imgs[:3], perm=[0,3,1,2])
    tf.summary.image('images', summary_imgs)