Search code examples

How to get pictures from the flickr API

My goal is to bring in photos based on a search of 5 different words; 5 photos each word. I need to bring the pictures back into my site; preferably smaller versions as I will bring many files in.

I am new to rest services in general. I saw this option:

and I go to the API explorer link at the bottom:

and put in 猫 (meaning cat) for the text field and number of pictures per page at 5 and pages 1, so I would only get back 5 images. This gives me this XML link:

My question would be what would I do with this request? It looks like it is giving ample information to be able to locate each image, but how would I use this XML to pull the images directly into my site?


  • shellwe --

    After making the request, you'll need to use the information returned to you and build the 'Photo Source URL' (see:

    In essence, you'll want to loop through the response and build the photo url.

    As an example, using the first line item provided in your link:


    would be:

    How you incorporate the final photo urls into your website ultimately depends on how you've got things set up.

    Hope this helps some.