I'm doing an e-commerce site (learning purposes) with KeystoneJS. In the view where I display all the products I want to add a filter for sort the items by price and another one to show the products of only one brand. Two forms are needed but I don't get to submit only one
My products.pug looks like this
input(type='hidden', name='action', value='products')
button(type='submit').btn.btn-primary Send
And my products.js in routes/views/ looks like this
// Print a word when submit the form
view.on('post', { action: 'products' }, function(next) {
// Get all products from db
// Render
So basically what I want to do is to print POST when I hit the button in the view. Instead of that, I receive a 404 error page. I would really appreciate if you guys can help me
Got it! In /routes/index.js I replaced
app.get('/products', route.views.products);
app.all('/products', route.views.products);
I feel dummy but happy.