I would like to plot the C-planes that describe the light distribution curve (ldc) of a light source in 2D and 3D space respectively. Usually the manufacturers provide the details of the ldc in polar coordinates. An example can be seen below:
together with the graph (the red lines solid/dashed represent the C-planes)
the above 2D plot can be plotted in simulation software quite nicely as you can see in the images below:
Now if it is possible I would like to plot the same graphs/plots in matlab as well. However, I am not sure how to do it. For the 2D graph I had a look at the polarplot() function but I am not sure what my input should be based on my matrix. Regarding the 3D plot, totally no clue how I could get the plot in 3D space. Therefore, if someone could provide me with some hints or a solution it would be really helpful. Below are the values of the above matrix in case someone wants to experiment with it.
Many thanks in advance.
Ok plotting the 2D polar diagram can be achieved with the following code:
ldc = [426.0060 426.0060 426.0060 426.0060 426.0060 426.0060 426.0060
424.7540 425.0980 425.5810 425.9940 425.6490 425.1670 424.7540
421.8600 422.2040 422.7550 423.1690 422.6860 422.2040 421.8600
415.5200 416.0020 416.1400 416.8980 416.6910 416.2780 415.7960
408.6290 406.9060 407.0440 408.0090 409.0420 407.3890 406.5620
394.1580 394.2960 394.5030 395.1920 395.0540 394.5720 394.5720
374.5880 375.8290 376.9310 376.6550 374.6570 376.3800 377.4820
349.7810 351.3660 352.8130 351.9170 350.7460 352.1930 353.9150
317.8070 316.2910 318.2210 316.2910 316.8420 317.1870 319.8750
267.2280 269.4330 264.4720 267.9170 267.9170 269.6400 266.1260
200.4280 162.1010 174.1260 163.2380 199.5320 163.8650 174.8770
111.4940 118.7160 150.0280 118.3780 112.6450 116.1870 151.6540
73.5810 78.4390 99.5180 80.3960 75.7450 78.4250 100.4280
49.7660 69.2120 54.2240 71.2930 52.1980 71.8860 56.8360
35.5290 49.5180 46.4930 48.3810 35.8390 47.2780 48.2220
34.3720 37.9410 35.3290 38.5750 33.9930 39.9950 35.4050
24.1730 24.9380 28.9690 25.8750 24.7800 24.6350 28.5140
14.3050 15.9870 19.6670 16.4830 15.1460 15.9450 19.7770
6.0920 6.5390 7.0420 7.2350 6.9940 6.8220 6.6840
4.7550 4.9550 5.2780 5.2160 5.2090 5.4780 5.6640
3.8590 3.8520 3.8930 3.9000 3.8870 4.3210 4.4380
3.1150 3.1420 2.9350 2.8530 3.0870 3.4660 3.5970
2.8670 2.6670 2.4740 2.3500 2.5700 2.9290 3.1700
2.4120 2.4050 2.3360 2.0330 2.3500 2.6050 2.7840
1.6540 1.6670 1.9090 1.8880 1.7300 1.5920 1.6810
1.1300 1.1990 1.2680 1.4880 1.2270 1.1580 1.1300
1.0470 1.0400 1.0400 1.1440 1.0750 1.0540 1.0470
1.1300 1.1640 1.2060 1.1850 1.2130 1.1850 1.1710
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
color = 'r';
line = '-';
% plotting only the first and the last C-planes, i.e. 0 and 90 degrees respectively
for i = 1:6:size(ldc,2)
polarplot(degtorad(theta),ldc(:,i), 'Color', color, 'LineStyle', line, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold on
polarplot(-degtorad(theta),ldc(:,i), 'Color' ,color, 'LineStyle', line, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
line = ':';
ax = gca;
ax.ThetaZeroLocation = 'bottom';
ax.RAxisLocation = 0;
ax.ThetaTickLabel = {'0'; '30'; '60'; '90'; '120'; '150'; '180'; '150'; '120'; '90'; '60'; '30';};
I have not tried this but you could convert your polar coordinates into cartesian ones using pol2cart
, then add the third dimension and use fill3
to render the surface.
Ok, I'm procrastinating and implemented it here:
% range of angles
angles = 0:0.01:(2*pi);
% light intensity example (insert values from table)
r = 1 + sin(angles);
% convert to cartesian coordinates
[p1, p2] = pol2cart(angles, r);
% plot on x-axis (x=0)
X = zeros(size(p1));
Y = p1;
Z = p2;
C = ones(size(Z)); % color input needed
hold on
% plot on y-axis (y=0)
X = p1;
Y = zeros(size(p1));
Z = p2;
C = ones(size(Z))+1;
grid on
For your specific dataset, you can do the following
% angles around x-axis, need to turn by 90 degree right pol2cart output
anglesX = (0:5:360)/180*pi+pi/2;
% angles around z-axis
anglesZ = 0:15:90;
% loop over columns
for i = 1:size(ldc,2)
% you need to create a closed contour for fill3
ldcJoined = [ldc(:,i);ldc((end-1):-1:1,i)];
% plot for positive and negative angle around z, i as color-index
plotPlane(anglesX, ldcJoined, anglesZ(i), i)
hold on
plotPlane(anglesX, ldcJoined, -anglesZ(i), i)
function [] = plotPlane(anglesX, r, angleZ, c)
% convert to cartesian coordinates
[p1, p2] = pol2cart(anglesX, r');
% plot on x-axis (x=0)
X = zeros(size(p1));
Y = p1;
Z = p2;
C = ones(size(Z)) .* c; % color input needed, you could e.g. C=sin(angles);
h = fill3(X,Y,Z,C);
rotate(h, [0,0,1], angleZ)
Which gives