Today I was surfing around in the internet about how to upload files onto my webserver with a php formular, and somehow everybody only allows specific file typs (and restricts all others). For somebody who wants to upload a picture, it is not nice to see that the webpage does not except that file type. What´s the problem with other file types (for example, directly from only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF are allowed).
Thankx in advance,
It is mainly for security reasons. Everything in $_FILES
is coming from the user's browser, so if you do not have strict validation on what you accept, malicious users could upload files that are
file to your server? Game over.../../../file.txt
? When you save the file, it could end up in a different directory due to the ../..
in the path. This is called a Path Traversal vulnerability.When processing file uploads, you should validate all three of these against a whitelist. That is, have a list or range of values that you accept, and discard anything that does not fit those critera.