I'm using gem 'youtube-dl.rb'.
From irb, I can get full result, about video, but at the rails 4.2 - I can't.
require 'youtube-dl.rb'
a = YoutubeDL.get "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dsGWM5XGdg", {skip_download: true}
Result https://pastebin.com/9SLbs5GF (With a lot of data).
rails c
require 'youtube-dl.rb'
a = YoutubeDL.get "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dsGWM5XGdg", {skip_download: true}
Result from rails console have only this:
=> #<YoutubeDL::Video:0x007fbc29de1498 @url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dsGWM5XGdg", @options=#<YoutubeDL::Options:0x007fbc29de1448 @store={:skip_download=>true}>, @download_options=#<YoutubeDL::Options:0x007fbc29de1150 @store={:color=>false, :progress=>false, :skip_download=>true}>, @last_download_output="[youtube] 5dsGWM5XGdg: Downloading webpage\n[youtube] 5dsGWM5XGdg: Downloading video info webpage\n[youtube] 5dsGWM5XGdg: Extracting video information\n[youtube] 5dsGWM5XGdg: Downloading MPD manifest\n">
How I Can get the same result for RoR?
Try to check youtube-dl.rb version inside your rails app and inside your machine enviro