script error: Can’t make application into type application. (-1700) Bad parameter data was detected or there was a failure while performing a coercion. (Line 17, Character 28). I think it may be a problem with my dialog popup or script the line below.
using terms from application 'Messages'
on message sent theMessage with eventDescription
display dialog (eventDescription)
end message sent
on message received theText from theBuddy with eventDescription
end message received
on chat room message received theText with eventDescription from theBuddy for theChat
set getname to name of theBuddy as text
set myresult to get id of theBuddy
on error errMsg
set errMsgParts to splitText(errMsg, "\"")
set errCount to count of errMsgParts
set myresult to item (errCount - 1) of errMsgParts
end try
display dialog ("/Home/Peter/repos/imessage/message '" & theText & getname & myresult & "'")
do shell script ("/Home/Peter/repos/imessage/message '" & theText & getname & myresult & "'")
end chat room message received
on active chat message received theText with eventDescription from theBuddy for theChat
set myresult to get id of theBuddy
on error errMsg
set errMsgParts to splitText(errMsg, "\"")
set errCount to count of errMsgParts
set myresult to item (errCount - 1) of errMsgParts
end try
display dialog ("/Home/Peter/repos/imessage/message '" & theText & getname & myresult & "'")
do shell script ("/Home/Peter/repos/imessage/message '" & theText & getname & myresult & "'")
end active chat message received
on addressed message received theText with eventDescription from theBuddy for theChat
set getname to name of theBuddy as text
set myresult to get id of theBuddy
on error errMsg
set errMsgParts to splitText(errMsg, "\"")
set errCount to count of errMsgParts
set myresult to item (errCount - 1) of errMsgParts
end try
display dialog ("/Home/Peter/repos/imessage/message '" & theText & getname & myresult & "'")
do shell script ("/Home/Peter/repos/imessage/message '" & theText & getname & myresult & "'")
end addressed message received
on received text invitation with eventDescription
end received text invitation
on received audio invitation theText from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
end received audio invitation
on received video invitation theText from theBuddy for theChat with eventDescription
end received video invitation
on buddy authorization requested with eventDescription
end buddy authorization requested
on addressed chat room message received with eventDescription
end addressed chat room message received
on login finished with eventDescription
end login finished
on logout finished with eventDescription
end logout finished
on buddy became available with eventDescription
end buddy became available
on buddy became unavailable with eventDescription
end buddy became unavailable
on received file transfer invitation theFileTransfer with eventDescription
end received file transfer invitation
on av chat started with eventDescription
end av chat started
on av chat ended with eventDescription
end av chat ended
on completed file transfer with eventDescription
end completed file transfer
end using terms from
I simply changed 'Messages'
to "Messages"
and that allowed me to compile, perhaps this will help you.
Change the first line from:
using terms from application 'Messages'
using terms from application "Messages"
Hope this helps!