I want to make a mix of virtual reality
and augmented reality
The goal is I have a stereo camera (for each eyes).
I tried to put two ARSCNView
in a viewCotnroller
but it seems ARKit enable only one ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration
at the same time. How can I do that?
I researched to copy the graphic representation of a view to past this to an other view but impossible to find. Please help me to find the solution.
I found this link, maybe can it illumine us: ARKit with multiple users
Here's a sample of my issue:
PS: before unlike my post, comment why!
The following code is basically what Hal said. I previously wrote a few lines on github that might be able to help you get started. (Simple code, no barrel distortion, no adjustment for the narrow FOV - yet).
Essentially, we connect the same scene to the second ARSCNView (so both ARSCNViews are seeing the same scene). No need to get ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration working with 2 ARSCNViews. Then, we offset its pointOfView so it's positioned as the 2nd eye.