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Get Index of an Item in a List of Class Items with Timer Member

I am trying to find the index of the Triggered Timer.

I created a list of Class Entry here in Program.cs

static public List<Entry> Table = new List<Entry>();

This is the class called "Entry" with its constructors in Entry.cs

public class Entry
        public int pktID;

        public Timer pktTimer= new Timer();

public Entry()

public Entry(int _pktID, Boolean idleTimeOutStart)
            this.pktID = _pktID;

            if (idleTimeOutStart == true)
                pktTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => CallDeleteEntry(sender, e, Program.Table.IndexOf());

                pktTimer.Interval = 10000; // 10000 ms is 10 seconds



static void CallDeleteEntry(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e, int pktIndex)
            Program.Table.RemoveAt(pktIndex); //Removes Entry at this Index
            Program.Table[pktIndex].idleTimeOutTimer.Stop(); //Stops idleTimeOutTimer of This Entry

The items in the list are created randomly. Now each Timer in the List (List Index) will start and then after 10000 msecs, CallDeleteEntry shall be called.

What I need to do is the pass the Index of the Timer when it elapses 10000msec to CallDeleteEntry, so it can remove that item row for the list.

I think something must be modified here to make it work.

idleTimeOutTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => CallDeleteEntry(sender, e, Program.Table.IndexOf());

The List will look like this

ListIndex | Entry Item

0 | pkt | pktTimer

1 | pkt | pktTimer

2 | pkt | pktTimer

3 | pkt | pktTimer

4 | pkt | pktTimer


  • Your pretty close IndexOf requires the item you're trying to get the index of. in this case the Entry class you're trying to get the index of. I believe in your case it would be the key word this, so IndexOf(this).