I have a table view and a search bar added to it (programmatically). I want to show the filtered results, so I've created an array(called: todoTitle) which contains titles for my todo activities (I have a separate object for them and one of its properties is title). I use updateSearchResults method and inside of it I use a filter method to return right todos. In order to check that the arrays aren't empty, I write code inside of that function to print the todos inside of each array. Here is my code inside of updateSearchResults(for:) function
//filtering through todos' titles
filteredTodos = self.todosTitle.filter({ (title: String) -> Bool in
if title.lowercased().contains((self.searchController.searchBar.text?.lowercased())!) {
return true
} else {
print ("S \(todosTitle)")
print ("t \(title)")
print (filteredTodos)
return false
//updating the results TableView
todosTitle array isn't empty, so I don't understand why my filteredTodos is empty. Does anyone have any ideas why this could happen?
You only need to check for if the todo item title contains the search text. Here's a simplified example that I tested with an array of strings and a search text string. Perhaps separate out your assignment of the search text to ensure you're getting the string you expect from the searchBar.text
let todosTitle = ["One", "Two", "Three"]
let searchText = "t"
//filtering through todos' titles
let filteredTodos = todosTitle.filter({ (title: String) -> Bool in
return title.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())
print(filteredTodos) //["Two", "Three"]