I am using Qt Creator for development. I want to use Armadillo linear algebra library. Therefore I used following code in my pro file:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\armadillo-7.950.1\include
LIBS += \
-LC:\armadillo-7.950.1\examples\lib_win64 \
-llapack_win64_MT \
It was all good and the project compiled and linked properly. Next task was to replace LAPACK and BLAS with OpenBLAS. So the pro file was changed as following:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\armadillo-7.950.1\include \
LIBS += \
-LC:\OpenBLAS-v0.2.19-Win64-int32\lib \
Now I receive the error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'libopenblas.lib'. I have downloaded windows binary of OpenBLAS. The installed folder structure is as given in the image: installed OpenBLAS folder
Please let me know what is going wrong?
There are two reasons for this problem:
Choose a binary----win 64 or win32 and download it.
rename libopenblas.dll.a as libopenblas.lib as Yuriy has suggested
download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/openblas/files/v0.2.14/ required missing DLLs are bundled again under weirdly named zip files "mingw64_dll" or "mingw32_dll" depending upon the binary type which you have downloaded in step 1. These zip file contain "libgcc_s_seh-1.dll", "libgfortran-3.dll" and "libquadmath-0.dll"
Add include and lib as I have done to your project and build with correct target depending upon your downloaded binary i.e win64 or X86
Copy libopenblas.dll from bin folder of OpenBLAS binary and "libgcc_s_seh-1.dll", "libgfortran-3.dll", "libquadmath-0.dll" from "mingw64_dll" or "mingw32_dll" depending upon the binary type to build debug or release directory where the exe reside.
Run your program and you are good to go.
If you want to escape copying again and again set a required system environment variable for the path containing these DLLs