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TSQL insert into table with bulkcolumn -- needing two bulkcolumn inserts into same row

TSQL insert into table with bulkcolumn -- needing two bulkcolumn inserts into same row

I need to run a query with two bulkcolumn inserts into the same row.

I am trying:

However, I get the error: Invalid object name 'BulkColumn' Is this just a syntax problem, or is this a more fundamental rule (such as one can only insert one bulkcolumn per statement)?

Example: in the SSMS edit-window.

INSERT INTO [table1] ([id1], [bulk1],[bulk2] 
SELECT '123',
FROM Openrowset( Bulk 'C:\bulkDir1\a1.jpg', Single_Blob) as a1,
FROM Openrowset( Bulk 'C:\bulkDir2\b1.jpg', Single_Blob) as a2

It says (in the 'squiggly error' in the SSMS edit-window.):
Invalid object name 'BulkColumn'


  • You can do it this way, your syntax is just a little off to get both columns:

    CREATE TABLE table1(id1 nvarchar(60),   
      [bulk1] varbinary(max), [bulk2] varbinary(max));  
    INSERT INTO table1([id1], [bulk1],[bulk2])   
        '123' AS FileName,    
         pic1.BulkColumn ,
      FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\test\a1.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) AS pic1
      inner join OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\test\b1.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) AS pic2
        on 1=1