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LINQ Left Join And Right Join

I need a help,

I have two dataTable called A and B , i need all rows from A and matching row of B


A:                                           B:

User | age| Data                            ID  | age|Growth                                
1    |2   |43.5                             1   |2   |46.5
2    |3   |44.5                             1   |5   |49.5
3    |4   |45.6                             1   |6   |48.5

I need Out Put:

User | age| Data |Growth
1    |2   |43.5  |46.5                           
2    |3   |44.5  |                          
3    |4   |45.6  |


  • The example data and output you've provided does not demonstrate a left join. If it was a left join your output would look like this (notice how we have 3 results for user 1, i.e. once for each Growth record that user 1 has):

    User | age| Data |Growth
    1    |2   |43.5  |46.5                           
    1    |2   |43.5  |49.5     
    1    |2   |43.5  |48.5     
    2    |3   |44.5  |                          
    3    |4   |45.6  |

    Assuming that you still require a left join; here's how you do a left join in Linq:

    var results = from data in userData
                  join growth in userGrowth
                  on data.User equals growth.User into joined
                  from j in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                  select new 
                      UserData = data,
                      UserGrowth = j

    If you want to do a right join, just swap the tables that you're selecting from over, like so:

    var results = from growth in userGrowth
                  join data in userData
                  on growth.User equals data.User into joined
                  from j in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                  select new 
                      UserData = j,
                      UserGrowth = growth

    The important part of the code is the into statement, followed by the DefaultIfEmpty. This tells Linq that we want to have the default value (i.e. null) if there isn't a matching result in the other table.