I have two cascading LOVs. After changing value of my first LOV in second LOV appropriate values are populated.
First LOV: name - P2_DEPTNO
select dname, deptno
from dept
order by 1;
Second LOV: name - P2_EMPNO
select ename, empno
from emp
where deptno = :P2_DEPTNO;
cascading LOV parent - P2_DEPTNO
What should I add to set default value of second LOV (first row from query) after changing first LOV value?
Finally, I got the correct answer on the Oracle community forum.
This is possible in only one case, because I'm more familiar with this type of issue in my project. We need to change the second item type i,e "Empno" item type from Pop-up LOV to Select-List. Also make null setting changes as per given below :
On DEMO works proper.
Please note that this will CAN NOT be achieved with item type as POP-UP LOV directly using simple step. To make this work using you need to work on POP-UP LOV we need so much custom changes, like DYnamic Actions , JS Code, Asynchronous calls to DB.
Source - https://community.oracle.com/thread/4048009
Author - EnigmaCoder