In my table I store the successor of each entry.
+----+-----------+--+ | ID | SUCCESSOR | | +----+-----------+--+ | 1 | 2 | | | 2 | 3 | | | 3 | | | +----+-----------+--+
I need to get from ID 3 to ID 1.
I have tried to archieve this with the following query, but this does not work. :-(
SELECT NVL (id, 3)
FROM my_table
CONNECT BY id = PRIOR successor
START WITH id = 3;
Can somebody please give me some advice how to get this working?
The following version should also provide the correct answer:
with my_table as
(select 1 id, 2 successor from dual union
select 2 id, 3 successor from dual union
select 3 id, null successor from dual )
SELECT id FROM my_table
WHERE level = 3
CONNECT BY successor = PRIOR id
START WITH successor is null