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Python: How to send file to hipchat?

How can I send a file from my local computer to hipchat using a python API? I am currently using Hypchat but it is not well documented.

Here is my code so far:

import hypchat

hc = hypchat.HypChat("myKey")

room = hc.get_room('bigRoom')

I'm not sure how to proceed. I tried other methods such as this one but I keep getting the error:

[ERROR] HipChat file failed: '405 Client Error: Method Not Allowed for url:'


  • This code allows me to send any file to a hipchat room:

    # do this:
    #     pip install requests_toolbelt
    from os                import path
    from sys               import exit, stderr
    from requests          import post
    from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
    class MultipartRelatedEncoder(MultipartEncoder):
        """A multipart/related encoder"""
        def content_type(self):
            return str('multipart/related; boundary={0}'.format(self.boundary_value))
        def _iter_fields(self):
            # change content-disposition from form-data to attachment
            for field in super(MultipartRelatedEncoder, self)._iter_fields():
                content_type = field.headers['Content-Type']
                field.make_multipart(content_disposition = 'attachment',
                                     content_type        = content_type)
                yield field
    def hipchat_file(token, room, filepath, host=''):
        if not path.isfile(filepath):
            raise ValueError("File '{0}' does not exist".format(filepath))
        url                      = "https://{0}/v2/room/{1}/share/file".format(host, room)
        headers                  = {'Content-type': 'multipart/related; boundary=boundary123456'}
        headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer " + token
        m = MultipartRelatedEncoder(fields={'metadata' : (None, '', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'),
                                            'file'     : (path.basename(filepath), open(filepath, 'rb'), 'text/csv')})
        headers['Content-type'] = m.content_type
        r = post(url, data=m, headers=headers)
    if __name__ == '__main__:
        my_token = <my token>   
        my_room  = <room name>    
        my_file  = <filepath>
            hipchat_file(my_token, my_room, my_file)
        except Exception as e:
            msg = "[ERROR] HipChat file failed: '{0}'".format(e)
            print(msg, file=stderr)

    Shout out to @Martijn Pieters