I feel that this should have a simple answer as I can do it easily with a java String
, but something is going wrong with the CharSequence
. My java code initializes a cppGenerator
, passes a functionBlock object
to its generateImplementation method
, and returns a CharSequence
. Here is my code:
jobject fBlock = env->CallObjectMethod(structuredTextModel, getFunction);
jclass CPPGenerator = lookForClass(env, "Path/CPPGenerator");
jobject CPPGeneratorImpl = invokeClassObj(env, CPPGenerator);
jmethodID generateImplementation = env->GetMethodID(CPPGenerator, "generateImplementation", "(LPath/FunctionBlock;)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;");
jobject mid = env->CallObjectMethod(CPPGeneratorImpl, generateImplementation, fBlock);
jstring jresult = (jstring)mid;
char* result = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(jresult, 0);
This logic has worked for me when using String
but this function returns a CharSequence
. No classes, objects, or methods are returning null. The program crashes in jni.h
attempting to call GetStringUTFChars
. So i know I cannot use this method for CharSequence. Is there just a jni method I am missing or do I have to do something completely different for a CharSequence?
You can't just cast mid
to jstring
and call GetStringUTFChars
(since mid
might not be a String
, which seems to be the case). There is no convenience method like GetStringUTFChars
for CharSequence
s like there is for String
You'd have to do it the inconvenient way of calling charAt
jclass cCharSequence = env->FindClass("java/lang/CharSequence");
jmethodID mLength = env->GetMethodID(cCharSequence, "length", "()I");
jmethodID mCharAt = env->GetMethodID(cCharSequence, "charAt", "(I)C");
int length = env->CallIntMethod(mid, mLength);
std::string str;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
str += env->CallCharMethod(mid, mCharAt, i);
// use 'str.c_str()'...