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How to get rid of V677: custom declaration of a standard type warning

We are using a PVS Studio (free variant for opensource projects) in conjunction with travis-ci and it for some reason spawns errors for files located in /usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include:

/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stddef.h:58:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'size_t' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stddef.h:86:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'wchar_t' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stdarg.h:30:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'va_list' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.
/usr/local/clang-3.5.0/lib/clang/3.5.0/include/stddef.h:47:1: warning: V677 Custom declaration of a standard 'ptrdiff_t' type. The declaration from system header files should be used instead.

This location looks like an example of “system” headers for non-standard compiler and is far away from the project root (which AFAIR is somewhere in /home: standard travis location). Script run uses latest version from, latest run at “Mon Jul 3 20:13:42 UTC 2017” (unfortunately, used version is not saved).


  • If the compiler is located in some unusual place, it is recommended to add a new path to the analyzer exceptions, so that you can see in the report only the warnings for the code of your own projects.

    pvs-studio-analyzer analyze ... -e /path/to/exclude-path ...


    pvs-studio ... --exclude-path /path/to/exclude-path ...