I'm new to Python, but I had a requirement at my work-place. Another programmer is developing a project on Python using Django framework, and my task is to find a way in which this project will be executed on any computer. So, I'm talking about something like Composer for PHP. I need an easiest way that at debian branch to write in terminal a command, that will find some kind of "composer.json" file on the project, will read all the required software, modules, libraries and install it step-by-step on the PC.
Any ideas how to do it in the easiest way? Thanks.
Since you have not talked about virtual environment, assumed that you already setup the environment and activated it.First get all the libraries lists in requirement.txt file in your project directory by typing below command,
pip freeze > requirements.txt
when you need to setup project in another system just run this
pip install -r requirements.txt
All the dependency will be installed in your project enviornment.