I am trying to create a simple Fibonacci web service with * Django and * Flask
I am using djangorestframework and flask_restful I am doing this to make some comparison.
with Flask I am able to specify the number of process or to use threading etc. with Api in flask_restful
from flask import Flask, request, Response, jsonify
from flask_restful import abort, Resource, Api, reqparse
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(Test, '/test/')
app.run(port=1234, host='', threaded=True) #processes=50)
My question, how to specify the same in django rest framework? From the docs I am not able to find a straight forward answer, yet..
That's because it's two different matters. Django only provides a development server which obviously is for development and single thread/process.
If you want to tune the number of process, you'll need to run the Django project through gunicorn / uwsgi / mod_wsgi / ..., each of those lets you tune the process / threads.