With a simple inductive definition of a type A
Inductive A: Set := mkA : nat-> A.
(*get ID of A*)
Function getId (a: A) : nat := match a with mkA n => n end.
And a subtype definition:
(* filter that test ID of *A* is 0 *)
Function filter (a: A) : bool := if (beq_nat (getId a) 0) then true else false.
(* cast bool to Prop *)
Definition IstrueB (b : bool) : Prop := if b then True else False.
(* subtype of *A* that only interests those who pass the filter *)
Definition subsetA : Set := {a : A | IstrueB (filter a) }.
I try this code to cast element of A
to subsetA
when filter
passes, but failed to convenience Coq that it is a valid construction for an element of 'sig' type:
Definition cast (a: A) : option subsetA :=
match (filter a) with
| true => Some (exist _ a (IstrueB (filter a)))
| false => None
In environment
a : A
The term "IstrueB (filter a)" has type "Prop"
while it is expected to have type "?P a"
(unable to find a well-typed instantiation for "?P": cannot ensure that
"A -> Type" is a subtype of "?X114@{__:=a} -> Prop").
So, Coq expects an actual proof of type (IstrueB (filter a))
, but what I provide there is type Prop
Could you shed some lights on how to provide such type? thank you.
First of all, there is the standard is_true
wrapper. You can use it explicitly like so:
Definition subsetA : Set := {a : A | is_true (filter a) }.
or implicitly using the coercion mechanism:
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Definition subsetA : Set := { a : A | filter a }.
Next, non-dependent pattern-mathching on filter a
doesn't propagate filter a = true
into the true
branch. You have at least three options:
Use tactics to build your cast
Definition cast (a: A) : option subsetA.
destruct (filter a) eqn:prf.
- exact (Some (exist _ a prf)).
- exact None.
Use dependent pattern-matching explicitly (search for "convoy pattern" on Stackoverflow or in CDPT):
Definition cast' (a: A) : option subsetA :=
match (filter a) as fa return (filter a = fa -> option subsetA) with
| true => fun prf => Some (exist _ a prf)
| false => fun _ => None
end eq_refl.
Use the Program
Require Import Coq.Program.Program.
Program Definition cast'' (a: A) : option subsetA :=
match filter a with
| true => Some (exist _ a _)
| false => None