@NodeEntity(label = CollectionNames.CONSUMER)
public class Consumer extends AbstractNode{
//Properties, removed just for simplicity
@Relationship(type = RelationshipNames.HAS_CONTACT, direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private Set<HasContact> contactList;
//Constructor & Getters, Setters
public class CustomQueryResult {
private AbstractNode node;
private List<? extends AbstractRelationship> relationships;
public CustomQueryResult(AbstractNode node, List<? extends AbstractRelationship> relationships){
this.node = node;
this.relationships = relationships;
//Default Constructor, Getters & Setters
String query = String.format(
"MATCH (startNode:Consumer {mobileNumber : {mob}})-[rel:%s *%d..%d]->(endNode:%s) RETURN startNode as node, rel as relationships",
relationshipName, 0, depth, endNode);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("mob", mobileNo);
CustomQueryResult consumer = session.queryForObject(CustomQueryResult.class, query, params);
Although given Query load required data, but unfortunately its unable to map it to given Object(CustomQueryResult
). But in case if I map it to Consumer
then it show given error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Result not of expected size. Expected 1 row but found 6
While this same query is working fine, if I use Spring Data Neo4j Repository like
@Query("MATCH (startNode:Consumer {mobileNumber : {0}})-[rel:HAS_CONTACT *..1]->(endNode:Consumer) RETURN startNode as node, rel as relationships")
CustomQueryResult findByMobileNumberAndRelationship(String mobileNo);
So how can I map given query result into Consumer
or CustomQueryResult
object directly?
Or is that possible to do the same thing using Spring Data Neo4j Repository with dynamic Relationship names and depth like:
@Query("MATCH (startNode:Consumer {mobileNumber : {0}})-[rel:{1} *..{2}]->(endNode:Consumer) RETURN startNode as node, rel as relationships")
CustomQueryResult findByMobileNumberAndRelationship(String mobileNo, String relationshipName, @Depth int depth);
Although I am sure that above code is not working.
Your query returns multiple rows
MATCH (startNode:Consumer {mobileNumber : {0}})-[rel:HAS_CONTACT *..1]->(endNode:Consumer)
RETURN startNode as node, rel as relationships
where node
is repeated for each rel
. The repository infrastructure is able to handle that, but queryForObject
is not - it expects single row.
It should work if you modify your query in following way so it returns only 1 row:
MATCH (startNode:Consumer {mobileNumber : {0}})-[rel:HAS_CONTACT *..1]->(endNode:Consumer)
RETURN startNode as node, COLLECT(rel) as relationships