I would like to pass the settings saved with QSetting through two instances of an application, for example through a socket.
I could not see any function in the official documentation. The only thing I read is for example this post
Save Configuration Settings to XML file in QT?
But I do not want to save the settings in a XML file, for example in Windows I want to continue using the Registry.
I just want to collect all the settings, and pass them through a socket. And the receiver could check the settings and eventually substitute its own settings with the received ones.
Well, I suppose I could do something similar using QSettings::allKeys(), checking all the values, convert to strings, etc etc...but do you know if there is some native function in Qt already implemented?
Thanks to everyone in advance
Best solution that I found:
Create a QMap from QSettings
QMap<QString, QVariant> keysValuesPairs;
QStringList keys = settings.allKeys();
QStringListIterator it(keys);
while ( it.hasNext() )
QString currentKey = it.next();
keysValuesPairs.insert(currentKey, settings.value(currentKey));
And then write it in a QJson with the function (see the official documentation http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qjsonobject.html)
then in the other side recover it with
and rewrite the settings
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++ )
settings.setValue( keys.at(i), keysValuesPairsMap.value(keys.at(i)) );