I want to create a content model containing a list of dates of variable length. The only way I figured out how to do it is to create a new nested content model with one date field, and then include these single date entries as a reference list. The issue with this approach is that the date is not showing as the entry title. Instead, a list of dates is only displayed as a list of blocks all labeled "Untitled", which is very unintuitive, as shown in the following screenshot.
Screenshot of the current status
So the questions are: Is there a good way to display the date as Entry title, or is there another solution to include a list of dates into the content model?
I am investigating the use of UI Extensions to solve this, but maybe there is a simpler build-in solution to the problem, than a custom developed extension.
You can't specify the Entry title from date fields, but rather only from short or long text fields, so a UI extension would be the way to go. Add a short text field called title (and specify that this field represents the entry title) then create a UI extension which will put a string of the selected date from the date field into the title field. Check out https://github.com/contentful/extensions/tree/master/samples/slug for a good starting point.