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git not honoring git info exclude

I am working on a shared repository and I want to exclude all the files under certain directory just for myself. So I made an entry in $GIT_ROOT/.git/info/exclude


After this I removed the indexes using

git rm -r --cached /path/to/folder/*

A git status after this show a long list of deleted file staged for commit. I commit the changes and till here all is good as any changes made by me are not tracked by git. But I can not push the same to remote as this will mess up other developers working repo. After this If I pull from remote it shows me a merge conflict modified by them/deleted by us. And with git reset --hard origin/<branch_name> It starts tracking the folder again.

Can this not be achieved because I can not push to remote ?


  • A more robust solution is to:

    • move that folder outside of your repo
    • add a symlink
    • ignore that symlink with a git update-index --skip-worktree -- mysymlink
    • add a .gitignore inside that moved folder (with a '*' pattern)
    • put a sparce checkout in place in order to not fetch/download that specific folder.

    .git/info/sparse-checkout content:


    (with mysymlink being the name of the folder I want to ignore)

    See more at "git assume unchanged vs skip worktree - ignoring a symbolic link"

    The OP shshnk mentions in the comments the simpler approach:

    I was able to implement it using just sparse-checkout.
    Basically I mentioned the name of the folders in the format mentioned by you in .git/info/sparse-checkout file. Now git ignores the files in these folders.