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AWS Bandwidth data transfer out beyond the global free tier dramatically increased

I'm new to AWS. I launched a EC2 instance and some S3 buckets in April.

The cost of AWS in April and May are normal, but the cost of AWS in June are doubly increased.

I went to the Bills Page to check and I found that the data transfer is abnormal.

Here are the pictures about the cost in May and June:



I didn't change anything except the ssh setting of EC2's (myip -> anywhere).

Can anyone tell me where should I check my setting first?


  • I assume you are referring to:

    • Data Transfer in May: 48 GB for $4.36
    • Data Transfer in June: 319 GB for $28.71

    Data Transfer is charged for outbound traffic to the Internet. The AWS Free Usage Tier provides an initial 15GB at no charge. Thereafter, the charge depends upon your Region. It appears that you are in the USA, where the rate is $0.09/GB.

    There has been no price increase on AWS. In fact, AWS just announced their 62nd price reduction. Rather, the cause of the increased charge is the fact that your account consumed more data transfer in June (319 GB) than in May (45 GB).

    Data transfer would include users on the Internet accessing your web servers, any downloads from AWS (eg from Amazon S3) and everything else causing data to go from AWS to the Internet.

    If you think this is too high, you should examine the services you are running and, in particular, make sure you are not serving large content from Amazon S3.