I am working with the Titanic passenger dataset (from Kaggle) as part of a Udacity course. I am using a Seaborn FacetGrid to look at passenger age distribution profiles by Travel class and Gender - with hue as 'Survived' (1/0).
The plot is working well, and I want to add vertical mean lines to each subplot - but in different colours (and with different annotation) for each of the two 'hues' in each subplot (1/0). The ' vertical_mean_line
' function in code below works great on plots without the multiple 'hue' data - but I can't find a way to plot different lines for each hue
Any ideas if it is possible to do this within Seaborn?
Current Seaborn FacetGrid plot output:
grid = sns.FacetGrid(titanic_data.loc[titanic_data['is_child_def'] == False], col='Sex', row = 'Pclass', hue='Survived' ,size=3.2, aspect=2)
grid.map(sns.kdeplot, 'Age', shade=True)
grid.set(xlim=(14, titanic_data['Age'].max()), ylim=(0,0.06))
# Add vertical lines for mean age on each plot
def vertical_mean_line_survived(x, **kwargs):
plt.axvline(x.mean(), linestyle = '--', color = 'g')
#plt.text(x.mean()+1, 0.052, 'mean = '+str('%.2f'%x.mean()), size=12)
#plt.text(x.mean()+1, 0.0455, 'std = '+str('%.2f'%x.std()), size=12)
grid.map(vertical_mean_line_survived, 'Age')
# Add text to each plot for relevant popultion size
# NOTE - don't need to filter on ['Age'].isnull() for children, as 'is_child'=True only possible for children with 'Age' data
for row in range(grid.axes.shape[0]):
grid.axes[row, 0].text(60.2, 0.052, 'Survived n = '+str(titanic_data.loc[titanic_data['Pclass']==row+1].loc[titanic_data['is_child_def']==False].loc[titanic_data['Age'].isnull()==False].loc[titanic_data['Survived']==1]['is_male'].sum()), size = 12)
grid.axes[row, 1].text(60.2, 0.052, 'Survived n = '+str(titanic_data.loc[titanic_data['Pclass']==row+1].loc[titanic_data['is_child_def']==False].loc[titanic_data['Age'].isnull()==False].loc[titanic_data['Survived']==1]['is_female'].sum()), size = 12)
grid.axes[row, 0].text(60.2, 0.047, 'Perished n = '+str(titanic_data.loc[titanic_data['Pclass']==row+1].loc[titanic_data['is_child_def']==False].loc[titanic_data['Age'].isnull()==False].loc[titanic_data['Survived']==0]['is_male'].sum()), size = 12)
grid.axes[row, 1].text(60.2, 0.047, 'Perished n = '+str(titanic_data.loc[titanic_data['Pclass']==row+1].loc[titanic_data['is_child_def']==False].loc[titanic_data['Age'].isnull()==False].loc[titanic_data['Survived']==0]['is_female'].sum()), size = 12)
grid.set_ylabels('Frequency density', size=12)
# Squash down a little and add title to facetgrid
grid.fig.suptitle('Age distribution of adults by Pclass and Sex for Survived vs. Perished')
The kwargs
contain the label and the color of the respective hue. Therefore, using
def vertical_mean_line_survived(x, **kwargs):
ls = {"0":"-","1":"--"}
plt.axvline(x.mean(), linestyle =ls[kwargs.get("label","0")],
color = kwargs.get("color", "g"))
txkw = dict(size=12, color = kwargs.get("color", "g"), rotation=90)
tx = "mean: {:.2f}, std: {:.2f}".format(x.mean(),x.std())
plt.text(x.mean()+1, 0.052, tx, **txkw)
we would get