I wish to use consul strictly as a config source.
I am using spring-cloud-consul-config
to get my config.
I am using git2consul to load files into consul and read them.
As per the spring cloud documentation I have added the following to my build.gradle
compile ("org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-consul-config")
and have the following in my application.properties
The problem I am facing is that the expected properties are not being loaded into the ConfigurationProperties beans. On further debugging in the ConsulPropertySourceLocator::locate(Environment environment) method, I see that the this.properties object is still loaded with KEY_VALUE enum.
This led me to ConsulConfigBootstrapConfiguration class, where the ConsulConfigProperties bean is being instantiated using a constructor.
Is this the problem or do I have something wrong in my setup. If someone has a working setup of git2consul and spring cloud config, please can you point me to it for reference.
These values that you have in application.properties
need to be in bootstrap.properties