I found this question about changing the size of a ggplot2 plot in Sweave. I added the Sweaveopts{width=3, height=3}
and it does shrink the size of the plot, but it doesn't scale down the text. So in the end, all of the numbers on the axes overlap.
Is there a way to scale the entire ggplot2 plot in Sweave so that I don't have to manually scale every component in the original ggplot2 call? It seems like something I should be able to do, but I can't find it in the ggplot2 book or on the website. Thanks!
FWIW, here's my call in Sweave:
\SweaveOpts{width=3, height=3}
And the call that generates the ggplot2 plot:
plot.m <- ggplot(temp, aes(date, spread)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_x_date(major="years", minor="months")
It's basically a Sweave FAQ. Google and you will find a gazillion hits.
One approach is to just write the file to pdf (no scaling) and to then scale on the \includegraphics
command. I just looked at a vignette I finished a couple of days ago where I wanted something approximately as wide as the page and I did:
## some R code omitted
print(dotplot(foo ~ bar | someFactor, group=someThing,
data=someDF, layout=c(1,3),
xlab="some X label", ylab="",
key=simpleKey(text=c("A","B"), space="top")))
\caption{Some caption.}
some basically just one width dimension at the Sweave options level. I found that small values do not work well -- so try something bigger as eg 6 or 7 inches.