I am trying to replace this part of the string in the response header "abc,def,ghi,jkl" . Please note this value is NOT static.
My-Customer-Header: My-Test:abc,def,ghi,jkl:12345
Using this regex I am able to grab strings between the colon. i.e. "My-Test" & "12345" https://regex101.com/r/Ebkzjb/1
Here is what i am trying to replace value..
Here is my haproxy config line..
http-response replace-value My-Customer-Header (.*)((?<=:)(.*)(?=:))(.*) \1XYZ\2
Syntactically, haproxy config is loading but i may not have the regex properly. Can you please help with haproxy config for replace the value.
This is working for me
http-response replace-header My-Customer-Header (.*)((?<=:)(.*)(?=:))(.*) \1XYZ\4