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How to fit a surface ((x,y,z) matrix) using Matlab?

I made AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) measurements. I exported my data from Gwyddion to a text file (can be download here), such as I load it in Matlab like:

data = importdata('');
tri = delaunay(x,y);

So now I have my surface. It corresponds to the rugosity of a bead, so I need to extract the spherical feature of this surface in order to recover the rugosity landscape over a plane surface (from which I can then compute my physical parameters).

Basically, I want to fit a ellipsoid to the surface I previously defined (tsurf). I tried using cftool (even though I'd rather use command so I can put this in a Matlab script) but as the equation should be of form


and the ellipsoid's equation is

((x-x0)/a)^2 + ((y-y0)/b)^2 + ((z-z0)/c)^2 = 1,

I did not manage to get the fit to work. How can I do so?

Thank you very much.


  • Ok, found it! Here it is:

    Following the previous code lines I wrote (see the question of this post):

    ffit = fit([x y],z,'poly22')
    hold on

    Of course, the fit can be more constrained if needed.