I am trying to apply this simple technical analysis indicator to an xts dataframe called prices. But I can't manage to create the loop for the signal. Do you have some suggestions?
prices = structure(c(70.27, 70.29, 70.31, 70.67, 70.41, 70.53, 70.56,
69.61, 70.32, 69.97, 70.13, 68.88, 68.97, 70.75, 71.32, 71.32,
71.32, 72.02, 72.48, 73.33, 73.59, 73.93, 73.47, 72.13, 72.17,
73.18, 72.59, 73.34, 73.43, 72.78, 72.43, 72.3, 71.27, 71.51,
71.94, 71.1, 69.77, 70.02, 70.26, 69.6, 70.13, 70.13, 71.27,
70.58, 69.52, 69.58, 69.46, 69.62, 69.07, 69.98, 44.245, 44.125,
44.09, 44.155, 43.93, 44.305, 44.065, 43.37, 43.685, 43.285,
43.355, 42.305, 42.65, 43.64, 43.885, 43.885, 43.885, 44.12,
44.385, 44.78, 44.985, 44.985, 44.865, 44.38, 44.05, 44.65, 44.065,
44.62, 44.73, 44.32, 44.275, 44.145, 43.615, 43.975, 44.52, 44.335,
43.585, 43.715, 43.83, 43.735, 44.09, 44.005, 44.775, 44.325,
43.555, 43.535, 43.325, 43.425, 43.04, 43.45, 166.09, 166.44,
165.04, 167.69, 168.08, 169.17, 168.67, 167.19, 167.19, 164.39,
163.26, 159.64, 160.33, 162.83, 163.4, 163.4, 163.4, 164.79,
166.23, 168.3, 168.29, 169.34, 168.56, 166.81, 165.39, 165.98,
162.64, 163.78, 164.91, 164, 162.1, 162.25, 161.45, 162.08, 162.37,
160.09, 157.96, 158.45, 159.95, 159.75, 160.58, 160.51, 164.09,
161.96, 160.84, 161.41, 159.48, 159.45, 158.09, 158.49, 66, 66.19,
66.31, 67.17, 66.84, 67.32, 67.26, 66.19, 66.46, 65.62, 65.61,
63.87, 64.09, 64.73, 65.72, 65.72, 65.72, 66.11, 66.96, 67.53,
67.57, 67.53, 67.25, 65.98, 65.52, 66.19, 65.23, 66.2, 66.4,
65.53, 65.52, 65.37, 64.54, 64.57, 64.85, 64, 62.94, 63.18, 63.87,
63.3, 63.9, 63.83, 64.76, 64, 63.62, 63.92, 63.02, 63.27, 62.33,
62.65), .indexCLASS = "Date", tclass = "Date", .indexTZ = "UTC", tzone = "UTC", format = "%Y-%m-%d", class = c("xts",
"zoo"), index = structure(c(1301616000, 1301875200, 1301961600,
1302048000, 1302134400, 1302220800, 1302480000, 1302566400, 1302652800,
1302739200, 1302825600, 1303084800, 1303171200, 1303257600, 1303344000,
1303430400, 1303689600, 1303776000, 1303862400, 1303948800, 1304035200,
1304294400, 1304380800, 1304467200, 1304553600, 1304640000, 1304899200,
1304985600, 1305072000, 1305158400, 1305244800, 1305504000, 1305590400,
1305676800, 1305763200, 1305849600, 1306108800, 1306195200, 1306281600,
1306368000, 1306454400, 1306713600, 1306800000, 1306886400, 1306972800,
1307059200, 1307318400, 1307404800, 1307491200, 1307577600), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), .Dim = c(50L,
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("A", "B", "C", "D")))
#I apply the EMA indicator to the prices xts dataframe
EMA20fn <- function(x) EMA(x, n=20)
EMA20prices <- xts(apply(prices, 2, EMA20fn), order.by=index(EMA20fn(prices[,1])))
#I know how to create the signals (in EMA20prices) for a single asset, but I don't know
#what kind of loop it's required to apply the signal to every asset in the dataframe
ema20tr <- Lag(ifelse(Lag(prices[,1])<Lag(EMA20prices[,1])& prices[,1]>EMA20prices[,1],1,
ifelse(Lag(prices[,1])>Lag(EMA20prices[,1])& prices[,1]<EMA20prices[,1],-1,0)))
ema20tr[is.na(ema20tr)] <- 0
ema20sig <- ifelse(ema20tr>1,0,0)
for(i in 2:length(prices[,1])){ema20sig[i] <- ifelse(ema20tr[i]==1,1,
ema20sig[is.na(ema20sig)] <- 1
Thank you in advance for the answers!
The following changes to your code will do what you want on all four columns (with the prices data structure as per the question)
#I apply the EMA indicator to the prices xts dataframe
EMA20fn <- function(x) EMA(x, n=20)
EMA20prices <- xts(apply(prices, 2, EMA20fn), order.by=index(EMA20fn(prices[,1])))
#I know how to create the signals (in EMA20prices) for a single asset, but I don't know
#what kind of loop it's required to apply the signal to every asset in the dataframe
ema20tr = NULL
for (j in 1:ncol(prices)) {
ema20tr <- cbind(ema20tr,Lag(ifelse(Lag(prices[,j])<Lag(EMA20prices[,j])& prices[,j]>EMA20prices[,j],1,
ifelse(Lag(prices[,j])>Lag(EMA20prices[,j])& prices[,j]<EMA20prices[,j],-1,0))))
ema20tr[is.na(ema20tr)] <- 0
ema20sig <- ifelse(ema20tr>1,0,0)
for (j in 1:ncol(prices)) {
for(i in 2:length(prices[,j])) {ema20sig[i,j] <- ifelse(ema20tr[i,j]==1,1,
ema20sig[is.na(ema20sig)] <- 1