I am trying to formulate an equation that can calculate the outstanding_balance
in one go using python. It is quite simple using the iterative process. For example:
for month in range(1, self.amortMonths + 1):
# Calculate intial and future interest payments
interest = self.originalPrin * self.rate / 12
# Calculate intial and future principal payments
principal_pmt = self.pmt - interest
# Outstanding balance is reduced by the principal_pmt
self.originalPrin = self.originalPrin - principal_pmt
So self.amortMonths
is basically the monthly duration at which the loan must be payed off and along with self.rate
, they will determine the self.pmt
variable which is the monthly amount the borrower has to pay inorder to reduce the self.oringalPrin
value to 0
by the end of self.amortMonths
Lets say I have a loan of $1000 (OutstandingPrin) with an interest rate of 10% then my interest payment for the first month is 1000 * 10% = $100. In order to find the self.pmt
amount I used a numpy.pmt
function which takes the outstandingPrin, rate, amortMonths as parameters to generate a monthly payment value that will reduce the OutstandingPrin to 0 by the end of the amortMonths. Lets say that self.pmt = $120
then the principal_pmt = 120 - 100 = $20
. So the outstandingPrin for the next month is 1000-20=$980
. Then this just becomes an iterative process.
So I actually need some help to determine an equation that can do this in one go without the need for an iterative process. Apparently, I need to use linear algebra but I don't come from a math background so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas?
So something like this:
Balance_i = Balance_i-1 - (pmt - Balance_i-1 * Rate)
Here is my solution.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0], [1.00583333,-1,0,0,-1], [0, 1.005833333, -1, 0, -1], [0,0,1.005833333, -1, -1],[0,0,0,1,0]])
b = np.array([162000,0,0,0,0])
x = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
balance_arr = np.delete(x, -1)
interest_arr = balance_arr * 0.07/12
prin_payment = np.subtract(54631.22, interest_arr)
prin_payment[-1] = 0
np.allclose(np.dot(a,x), b)
The array values I manually created them based on hand calculations. The next step would be for me to figure out how to generate them automatically given the term, original balance, and interest rate.