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unable to access web UI of oozie from Ambari in HDI 3.6 spark HDInsight cluster

I have set up the HDI 3.6 spark 2.1.0 HDInsight cluster.

Now I need to submit a spark job using oozie workflow,for doing this I need to configure the workflow.xml using Ambari.

The problem arises when accessing oozie webUI from Ambari as below:

enter image description here

while click on Oozie web UI I am getting the following error for loading the url:


  "status": 404,
  "message": "Not Found"


  • To access the Oozie Web UI, use the following steps:

    1. Create an SSH tunnel to the HDInsight cluster. For information, see the Use SSH Tunneling with HDInsight document.

    2. Once a tunnel has been created, open the Ambari web UI in your web browser. The URI for the Ambari site is Replace CLUSTERNAME with the name of your Linux-based HDInsight cluster.

    3. From the left side of the page, select Oozie, then Quick Links, and finally Oozie Web UI.

    For more details, refer “Oozie Web UI”.