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Application not installing some device Android os N android

I have samsung device s7 edge. Application not installed for live build. Please help me, what is an exactly problem. See this error throw, on Android N os in device.

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  • In your manifest file, add the element and specify the android:xlargeScreens attribute to "true":

    <supports-screens android:xlargeScreens="true" />

    If your app targets API level 24 or higher, you can configure how and whether your app's activities support multi-window display. You can set attributes in your manifest to control both size and layout. A root activity's attribute settings apply to all activities within its task stack.


    Read android:resizeableActivity


    If you build a multi-orientation app that targets API level 23 or lower, and the user uses the app in multi-window mode, the system forcibly resizes the app. The system presents a dialog box warning the user that the app may behave unexpectedly. The system does not resize fixed-orientation apps; if the user attempts to open a fixed-orientation app under multi-window mode, the app takes over the whole screen.
