I am using CarrierWave with fog to upload my images to S3.
I have model Image that can represent images of different sizes and according to that needs to be saved in different folder.
For example, for image.jpg
I could have two different uploaded versions that need to be saved as:
There could be arbitrary number of use cases and versions using minimagick can't cover them all.
So far I haven't been able to find solution. Does anyone know how to do this?
I've seen this question asked a few times so I'll write what my final solution is.
Instead of defining mount_uploader on model I decided to just use Uploader independently and save urls to records later.
Dynamically changing store_dir and filename can be accomplished like this
uploader = Uploader.new
uploader.define_singleton_method(:store_dir) do
uploader.define_singleton_method(:filename) do
Using this approach you can also define names with local variables or whatever you have available in controller.
Hopefully it helps someone else as well.