I cannot choose to align the legend text of a figure in sphinx.
.. figure:: check_validity.png
:align: center
Left: the source layer
Right: in blue the valid layer, in green the invalid layer and in red the error
This the result:
But I would like to have both caption aligned left. Is this possible without using tables?
Yes, but it is very kludgy, requiring custom CSS to account for each image's width.
Here's the HTML that Sphinx generates for me:
<div class="figure align-center">
<img src="check_validity.png" />
<div class="legend">
<p>Some text</p>
<p>Another sentence</p>
Depending on your theme, you would need to:
It's far easier to just use tables. Welcome to the 1990s!
Here's the reST markup:
.. rst-class:: table-center
| .. figure:: check_validity.png |
| |
| .. |
| |
| Left: the source layer |
| |
| Right: in blue the valid |
| layer, in green the invalid |
| layer and in red the error |
| layer |
And you will need to add a custom style to your CSS file:
table.table-center {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;