I am using delayed job to queue a Model
method in another Model
like this:
date_value_in_string = "2017-06-21 07:17:00"
Article.delay(:queue => 'article_load').article_loading([date_value_in_string])
Even though I have passed a String
as an argument to the method, inside the method it gets converted to Time
def self.article_loading(args)
date_value = args[0]
p date_value.class # Time
I don't know why this happens. Any help will be appreciated.
This happens due to the fact the string looks like a datetime to Ruby's default YAML loader. DelayedJob uses YAML for serialization, so this aspect manifests.
If you want to keep the string as string, stuff some padding chars to the beginning of it, like x
or something. Demo follows.
Consider this 1.yml
ds: 2017-06-21 07:17:00
, then, in IRB, do a:
>> require "yaml"
>> YAML.load_file("1.yml")
=> {"ds"=>2017-06-21 11:17:00 +0400}
>> _["ds"].class
=> Time