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JetBrains dotCover: Coverage session finished with errors: Out of allowed iteration to generate unique temp name

I generate a coverage report using dotCover.exe from the command line, but it randomly fails with this error:

[JetBrains dotCover] Coverage session finished with errors: Out of allowed iteration to generate unique temp name
  [location] = C:\Build Agent\work\f532b5455ffc19e9\Profiler\Kernel\Windows\Native\Solution\core\src\Util\temp_util.cpp(44)
  [function] = class boost::filesystem::path __cdecl jetbrains::profiler::temp::`anonymous-namespace'::create_temp<class jetbrains::profiler::temp::create_temp_file::<lambda_91d5f1a5933e4e60038be7ca777762a9>,0x010>(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,class jetbrains::profiler::temp::create_temp_file::<lambda_91d5f1a5933e4e60038be7ca777762a9> &&)
  [file name] = C:\Temp\ft.EC76593C.tmp
  [WIN32 error] = 80, The file exists.

My command line looks like this:

dotCover.exe analyse /TargetExecutable=nunit3-console.exe /TargetArguments="unittest1.dll unittest2.dll ... unittest10.dll" /ReportType="html" /Output=CodeCoverage.html /Filters="+:*;-:*.*Tests;-:*.*.Tests;-:*.Tests;-:*.Tests*" /TempDir=C:\Temp\

It seems the more DLLs I try to cover the more likely it is to fail with this error. From the error message it seems dotCover is written in C++ and it's using boost::filesystem::path to create a temp file but there is some race condition and it tries to create a new temp file where it already exists. My dotCover version is JetBrains dotCover Console Runner 2017.1.2. Build 108.0.20170428.80910.

Does anyone have any idea what's how to fix that error?

Edit: There is another error with which it fails - Access is denied:

  [function] = class boost::filesystem::path __cdecl jetbrains::profiler::temp::`anonymous-namespace'::create_temp<class jetbrains::profiler::temp::create_temp_file::<lambda_91d5f1a5933e4e60038be7ca777762a9>,0x010>(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &,class jetbrains::profiler::temp::create_temp_file::<lambda_91d5f1a5933e4e60038be7ca777762a9> &&)
  [file name] = C:\Temp2\ft.0A96C261.tmp
  [WIN32 error] = 5, Access is denied.

Again, this happens randomly - usually it will fail 3 times and then run successfully on the 4th.


  • was running into this issue at times, using the early access version(JetBrains.dotCover.CommandLineTools.2017.2.20170630.95316-eap06) made it disappear the issue till now.

    Looks like a bug in the dotcover tool opened here .You can download the latest version of dotcover commandline tools from here


    Get the latest version of dotcover from here as it has the issue resolved