In Mac, working with Spring XD
The following works fine:
stream create --name orderFilter --definition "http --port=9090 | filter --expression=#jsonPath(payload,'$.countryCode').equals('US') | file --name=manolito.txt --dir=/Users/manueljordan/Desktop --mode=APPEND" --deploy
Through its own shell
the following works:
http post --target http://localhost:9090 --data "{\"id\":\"2773\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"orderAmt\":\"100\"}"
http post --target http://localhost:9090 --data "{\"id\":\"2774\",\"countryCode\":\"CA\",\"orderAmt\":\"125\"}"
http post --target http://localhost:9090 --data "{\"id\":\"2775\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"orderAmt\":\"110\"}"
The data is filtered and the output is located in /Users/manueljordan/Desktop
how is expected.
Until here all is ok.
Now migrating to Spring Cloud Data Flow
working with
Through the GUI (http://localhost:9393/dashboard/index.html#/streams/definitions
) I can create the same stream.
Again through the shell (from spring-cloud-dataflow-shell) the following works:
http post --target http://localhost:9090 --data "{\"id\":\"2773\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"orderAmt\":\"100\"}"
http post --target http://localhost:9090 --data "{\"id\":\"2774\",\"countryCode\":\"CA\",\"orderAmt\":\"125\"}"
http post --target http://localhost:9090 --data "{\"id\":\"2775\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"orderAmt\":\"110\"}"
The same http post used for Spring XD
Situation 01 even when the three http post
from above work about the filter behaviour, the output file is not created in /Users/manueljordan/Desktop
, it is created in /private/var/folders/nf/ql69b5zd7w54jw6nb5zmvck80000gn/T/dataflow/output
Observe the dataflow
directory within ql69b5zd7w54jw6nb5zmvck80000gn
Why this behaviour? How fix this?, some special configuration missing?
Situation 02 about cURL, according with the reference documentation, in the 10.1. Endpoints section, just practically below the Figure 3. The Spring Cloud Data Flow Server
shows that cURL
can be used too.
Through iterm 2
if I use the following commands: (it according with How to POST JSON data with Curl from Terminal/Commandline to Test Spring REST?)
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '"{\"id\":\"2773\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"orderAmt\":\"100\"}"' http://localhost:9090
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '"{\"id\":\"2774\",\"countryCode\":\"CA\",\"orderAmt\":\"125\"}"' http://localhost:9090
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '"{\"id\":\"2775\",\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"orderAmt\":\"110\"}"' http://localhost:9090
Nothing happens (I press enter to execute the command and just pass to the new line prompt, that's all). Why? what is missing?
See answer here:
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